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Gen Ed Courses


Every Semester is Unique

Art History is an OU upper division gen ed course, along with other credit-bearing courses offered each semester such as World Music, History, and Italian Film. 

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Diaspora Studies, Spring 2022
by Prof.

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There is something even more profound about teaching a course on Diasporic communities when you are forced to reimagine home even for a short period of time. As Gloria Anzaldua wrote, “I am a turtle, wherever I go, I carry ‘home’ on my back.” Coming to Arezzo, Italy to teach my course Diaspora Studies: Race, Gender, Resistance, reminded me of the importance of those words. Many of us come from communities defined by a history of colonialism, displacement, migration, and violence that force us to carry home on our backs. But it is important to also understand and unpack what comes after…what do diasporic communities create for themselves? How are their identities framed by their relationship to home or history?  

These are the conversations I was interested in engaging during the term.  


My hope was during our time together students would bring in their own histories, recreate community, and see one another and others through their humanity. Whether they knew it, being here in Arezzo together, gave them an opportunity to create a new community, and for many, a new attachment to a space, a new home. For some of us there is a familiarity in this, as we come from populations who are constantly negotiating our claims to space. A course on Diaspora Studies helped us think of how communities make meaning of their lives, organize themselves to confront issues of inequality, and reimagine space. Italy’s rich history and physical location offered the perfect location for these discussions to occur as communities here, both racialized and migratory communities, are challenging monolithic understandings on identity as their claims to an Italian identity is questioned. The Tuscany region, for example, is home to a growing Latin American migratory population, a growing African community, a historical Black-Italian community because of the country’s colonial past, and an active LGBTQ and feminist activist community. A class on gender, race, and resistance helped us understand the humanity in people a bit more, and how these communities have already been organizing to meet their own needs and create meaningful change for their own people by recording their stories. I know I learned a lot during my short time here, and I am thankful for the lesson’s students taught me.  

For more info, here is the link to the Zine:


Feature Story: Fall Semester
by Torey Henderson

Hello Arezzo! As one of nineteen students getting to study abroad in Arezzo, being the first-semester group back at OUA after the original COVID-19 pandemic, I can tell you we are all full of excitement and eager to learn about Arezzo and Italy. Coming back, I can speak for a majority of us.

We were filled with nervousness about getting through customs and figuring out “our new normal” in our new home.

Fall 2021 feature story

Arezzo Post WWII
Spring 2020  

In spring 2020 Dr. Rob Griswold was at #ouinarezzo

teaching "History: America and WWII" with a focus on how Arezzo and Italy were involved in the war. The class took a tour with local #arezzo guide Axel. He taught them about how Arezzo was affected by WWII and how the citizens fled. After the war some areas of the city were re-built. They saw and learned about Piazza Grande, the towers, the Duomo, Prato park, the palace, and more. Arezzo has a great history and we’re so proud students get to learn about their city! 


Sacred & Secular class

April 10, 2019

Yesterday our students had a nice trip to Assisi with Dr. Wickersham for their Sacred and Secular class! They got to see The Basilica of St. Francis and enjoy the beautiful views! #ouinarezzo #ouaspring19 @profwickou

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Integrating italian culture with language

fall 2019

The @giostradelsaracino is this weekend and today #ouasooners visited the headquarters of the Rooney Family Center neighborhood, #portadelforo! They had the opportunity to learn about the Arezzo Joust and its traditions, as well as have a first-hand look into @portadelforo’s equipment! 

#ouinarezzo #ouafall19 @ouabroad 


Art History Presentations

Bravo to Renaissance Art History students for beginning their presentations yesterday for their final projects. Taught by Director Kirk Duclaux, the art history class students pick a topic that they’ve explored at the end of each semester to be presented to him and their classmates. The “symposium” began today and will continue next week. Congratulations #ouasooners studying art history in Italy! #ouinarezzo #ouafall18

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An enhanced experience 



All students who study at #ouinarezzo take an Italian course of their choice that fits in with their preferences and degree path. Pictured here is one of the two local Italian instructors, Antonio, teaching #ouafall18 students vital language skills to make their semester even more enjoyable. Learning some Italian gives these 

#ouasooners an opportunity to use it and connect more in the community. Student Mackenzee Hester says, “Italian class gives me a connection and has enhanced my experience in Italy by giving me the tools I need to navigate! From learning about history, to learning Italian in a very usable way, I am able to transition to Arezzo very well, and use some of my new skills in the process!” #featurefriday

Art History  

Seeing the david never gets old

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